Invites You To Join Them
Tuesday, January 6th
7pm – 9pm
for an educational seminar
Prioritizing principles of universal design (fire, life safety, security & accessibility) and sustainability
Due to the large amount of information this topic affords, J.J. Solorio, AHC will be returning to discuss more life safety, building and fire codes as they pertain to our industry.
J.J. is an Architectural Hardware Consultant with over ten years in the industry, and currently heads his own consulting business called JJS Consulting, a firm that represents; Marks USA, Permavault, Barantec & Everswitch to name a few.
I am also waiting on a reply from a John Stiles, he works for the code enforcement division of Orange County Public Works department. Hopefully he will be able to attend as well.
This is a free meeting for all locksmiths,
who want to learn new things and make new friends.
Doors will be open at 6:30 pm
Snacks will be available
Hosted by Academy Locksmith