Meeting 3 Mar 2015

Invites You To Join Them
Tuesday, March 3rd
for an educational seminar

So there is good news and great news.  The good news is, all of the leg work invested into this month’s meeting, we are set with quality speakers for the next couple of months.  So with that and the upcoming trade show at Intermountain Lock we should be good for a while.

The great news is, Academy Locksmith, Inc has, for some time, considered converting the exit door of our shop from an old Arm-A-Door two point locking bar to a Detex 230X-TDB Three point locking bar.

AND at this month’s meeting we will be doing this.  One of our technicians Aaron Welch will be doing the install. He has had a lot of experience with this panic bar as well as Securitech’s Trident Tel 210 product, and he will be discussing the differences between the two.

The meeting will be done partially outside, so wear a jacket.

Academy Locksmith, Inc will be giving away cool door prizes.

This is a free meeting for all locksmiths, who want to learn new things and make new friends.

Doors will be open at 6:30 pm, food will be available.
Meeting starts at 7:00 pm
Hosted by Academy Locksmith


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