Invites You To Join Them
Tuesday, 2 Apr 2019
for an educational seminar
Do you have a customer with a lot of keys? Help them CQRiT! (Gotta love when the name of the speaker’s company is already a pun. 🙂 Sorry this email is coming late, but trust me Tuesday’s meeting will be a good one.  We will be joined by Lucas Edmonds a representative from CIC Technologies.  This company develops and manufactures the CQRiT line of key cabinets.  Do you have a customer that has a key cabinet, and might want a way to determine who has taken out the keys and when?  More importantly, would they like a system that will alert them when the keys are not returned?  Then this is the solution for you.
CQRiT cabinets have been sold in the US market on a fairly small scale for the last few years, however as of 2019, CIC Technology has created a formal presence by opening an office in Denver and appointing Lucas to lead the North American operations.
Academy Locksmith, Inc will be giving away cool door prizes.
This is a free meeting for all locksmiths, who want to learn new things and make new friends.
Doors will be open at 6:30 pm, food will be available.
Meeting starts at 7:00 pm
Hosted by Academy Locksmith
For questions, call Anthony C. Sloat 714-693-4934